Project: Producing a one-man show about the time I gave Tom Hanks COVID-19
A performance project by Graham Watson, who is requesting up to $200 in the February 2035 funding cycle

My sorrow is boundless and can only be alleviated by producing a dramatic confession of the time I accidentally sneezed into Tom Hanks's open mouth while riddled with the novel coronavirus at a diner in Oakland, California in the spring of 2020.
How will this loan be used? Please provide an itemized list of expenses that will be covered.
$50: Face masks
$30: A vaguely realistic (in low lighting) mask of Tom Hanks's face
$120: Construction of a replica Zoltar where I wish to have not sneezed in beloved actor Tom Hanks's mouth
How will your project generate money?
I will sell tickets and also branded face masks that read "PROTECT TOM"
When do you expect to be able to repay this loan?
The loan can be repaid after the first performance of this show, assuming the fortune-telling witch who prophesied a sold-out crowd is accurate.
Do you have experience or support that will help this project succeed? Links to your previous work are helpful here.
I have no experience, but I would hate for any theater background whatsoever to corrupt my pure artistic vision.