Project: Need celebrity scratch-n-sniff book publishing expenses covered

A literature project by Graham Watson, who requested $300 in the Summer 2024 funding cycle



I've written a celebrity scratch-n-sniff book, featuring 100 celebrities from the modern age back to the golden age of Hollywood and recreations, approximations, and speculations about their actual scents.

What expenses do you need help covering?

I finally found a publishing company with the vision to make this ambitious book a reality. I just need to cover the cost of printing some proof-of-concept books (roughly $300) before diving in and getting a full run printed.

How will your project generate money?

The proof-of-concept books that I'm printing won't be sold, but it will help drum up interest in the project's Kickstarter page, where backers can donate to have their names in the back of the book.

When do you expect to be able to repay this loan?

Oh, man. Hopefully within a year? Kickstarter support can be a windfall, or you might get nothing. Hard to predict. :(

Do you have experience or support that will help this project succeed?

I'm well-known in the experimental book community. You might know me from my skin disease popup book "Pop-up Pimples and Pus Party" or my series of short stories about an origami-obsessed detective named Stache McClunkin, which themselves are printed onto a single sheet of paper and folded into an origami crane before being sold. From these ambitious projects, I've amassed literally dozens of followers and even more dollars.